Thursday, April 23, 2015

Week 2: Thursday

In chapter 4 of Keep It Shut, Karen tells about her college experience of trying to spend an hour in prayer. (That one didn't end well, did it?)  Have you ever spent a long, concentrated time in prayer? Or do you find obstacles that pop up that keep you from focusing and praying to God while all alone?  In the space below, list what you think are your three greatest hindrances to spending time connecting with God through the practice of prayer.  Share them below in the comment box.

Now, for each of the hindrances, list a possible solution.  If you have trouble coming up with a solution yourself, contact a trusted friend committed to the practice of prayer to see if he or she can offer any solutions.

It has been said that if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.  That is an immensely accurate statement when it comes to the spiritual discipline of private prayer!

Enjoy this musical reminder....

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  1. 1. A busy Toddler
    2. My daily to-do list
    3. Leaving work at work

    I often spend my time in prayer while doing my daily, very long, commute. Oddly enough, it really helps with road rage. I also use my lunch to do my daily bible readings, they've got an app for that! My weekends, I know I don't spend near the time, I get too caught up in all the "should" and "need to".

  2. The shower is a great place to pray as well!

  3. 1. Falling asleep
    2. Falling asleep

    I have a bad habit of falling asleep during prayer or allowing my thoughts to wonder off on a tangent. I honestly found myself doing a little better with "conversations" with God throughout the day. I enjoy them. However, they are not concentrated times of prayer. I need to mark off time during a regular routine (preferably during the middle of the day and not at night).

  4. 1. Falling asleep
    2. Falling asleep

    I have a bad habit of falling asleep during prayer or allowing my thoughts to wonder off on a tangent. I honestly found myself doing a little better with "conversations" with God throughout the day. I enjoy them. However, they are not concentrated times of prayer. I need to mark off time during a regular routine (preferably during the middle of the day and not at night).

  5. I laughed at this, Liz because I can't count the number of times I have fallen asleep mid sentence in a prayer.
